The music of
Media Music
More than 400 musics written for HIBOU / EMI PLAY 3 International TV/Radio/Media Library, used in 30 countries.
Under artist names of Eric Aron and Tony Chapman
Unreleased Music
selected musics written between 1999-2008
04 2008
Fantasy a la Chopin, for piano and orchestra, 6'28"
06 2007
Tribute to Clint Eastwood, 6'11"
06 2007
Fairies and Spirits, Symphonic Poem, 8'06"
09 2006
Tribute to Aziza Mustafa Zadeh, 6'43"
10 2006
The Comedy, 2'
09 2006
Up Earth, Symphonic Suite, 7'47"
06 2006
Elfeos, Symphonic Poem, 5'47"
03 2006
In the Matrix, 2'34"
08 2005
Summer Fires, 2'40"
07 2005
Violin Concerto, 3 movements, 32'
Full recording further planned
06 2005
JW presto, for orchestra, 1'34"
01 2005
First symphony, 4 movements, 43'
12 2004
Christmas Cantata, 6 movements, 32'
Revision further planned
08 2004
Quest, an epic journey, for piano, orchestra, choir
27 parts, 114'
Selected tracks to come
04 2004
Variations 'Dies Irae" for Piano, Orchestra, Choir
21 variations, 56'
Revision and re recording further planned
02 2004
Piano Concerto 2, in 4 movements, 47'30"
Revision and re recording further planned
06 2003
Down Earth, Symphonic Suite, 15'30"
04 2003
Christ Passio, 15 scenes, 69'
05 1999
Piano Concerto 1, Guitar Concerto, 54'
Previously available on cd